Interactive Storytelling and AR Trails in Fleetwood
Discover Wyre Trails: Finding Fleetwood - an Interactive game mat and digital trails platform accessible on any device
New Project Launch
Discover Wyre Trails
Finding Fleetwood & The AR Festive Trail App
Hello from everyone at this great adventure.
We really hope this message finds you and yours well, and a huge congratulations to all those of you who have new arrivals in your lives, have started new jobs, and generally just for being you.
We wanted to share a quick message about a new project that we’ve been developing up in Fleetwood (near Morecambe Bay) that went live last week, and a new experience that’s coming soon.
Discover Wyre Trails is a collaborative // co-creative project working with people in Fleetwood and the Wyre area to;
plan, design and create a new collection of interactive digital and Augmented Reality storytelling trails, and
to develop creative and technical skills on the ground so that new trails can be imagined and created after the project period ends in September 2022.
Finding Fleetwood is the first manifestation of this and combines a range of different storytelling approaches with an interactive game board // mat installation – a sort of mashup between Snakes and Ladders and Wheel of Fortune - designed by the wonderful Mark Woods.
A school visit explores the board
Explore the stories here:
The board is 3.5m sq and players can walk on it and scan the QR codes to launch and explore the stories.
The content is being hosted on our very own web app platform and has been created with content development partners in Fleetwood, as well as contributions from the local community, including MP for Fleetwood, Cat Smith.
This installation will be travelling around to different locations in Fleetwood and, alongside the smaller 1m sq game boards we’ve produced, will be used for a variety of community engagement activities, including creative, technical and educational workshops and storytelling sessions.
Fleetwood Festive Trail - A New AR Trail experience with a unique story and range of games for all the family to enjoy this Christmas
Wyre AR Trails App
for iOS and Android
We are also creating an AR trail app platform to host a new collection of augmented reality trails and experiences, working with our close friends at Four Door Productions.
The first of these will be the Fleetwood Festive Trail, set to go live on iOS and Android for the celebration events in Fleetwood the 27th November this year.
This AR trail combines an original storyline with newly commissioned illustrations turned into short animatic films, with interactive AR mini-games and challenges. Players will also have the chance to collect and unique little gift at the end.
We’ve designed this to be fun and family friendly, with lots of quirky bits and opportunities for social sharing, and we hope it will bring a smile to people this Christmas after such a tough couple of years!
Are you thinking about your future, digital storytelling and Augmented Reality?
Drop us a message and let’s see what we can make happen :)
This project is commissioned by Wyre Council and is part of the Historic High Street Heritage Action Zone in Fleetwood, being funded by: